Остальные публикации
V. P. Mazyarov, A. P. Akimov, V. I. Medvedev
В. П. Мазяров, А. П. Акимов, В. И. Медведев
Smirnov, V.V.
Смирнов В. В.
Е. С. Леханова, Н. Н. Скворцова
Монография предназначена для студентов юридических вузов
Sergeeva, O. Yu. Pavlov, I.V.
О. Ю. Сергеева, И. В. Павлов
Lekhanova, E. S. Skvortsova, N.N.
Chernyakevich, V. I. Pushkarenko, N. N. Chernyakevich, L. M.
Для научных работников
Agafonov, A. V. Shukanov A. A.
The monograph is intended for students, postgraduates, doctoral candidates and professors of institutes of higher education of biological specialities.
А. В. Агафонов, А. А. Шуканов
Монография предназначена для студентов, аспирантов, докторантов
Akviljanova, I.N.
И. Н. Аквильянова
Пособие предназначено для студентов технических вузов, может использоваться аспирантами
Андреев В. А., Денисов Ф. Т., Иванова Т. В.
Васильев А. Г., Тимофеева Н. Н.
Для определения коэффициента гидравлического трения по формуле Кольбрука
To define the factor of hydraulic friction under Colebrook-White formula it is offered to use the mathematical package MathCAD; a worked example is represented.
Денисов Ф. Т., Максимов А. Н., Самарин В. В.
The magnetometer on the basis of the Hall sensor is used for Hall effect analysis and for measurement of magnetic fields of solenoids.
Малов А. А.
The quadratic model with the break is viewed and suggested for approximation of the experimental semi-variograms of the spatial variables.
Павлова Н. А.
Исследуемая задача сводится
The investigated problem comes to a flow of the system of two foils.
Самарин В. В.
Система уравнений Шредингера
A set of Schrödinger equations with
Щипцов М. А. – ОАО «НПК „Элара“ им. Г. А. Ильенко»
Рассмотрен способ определения скорости воздушного потока, основанный
The way of determination of speed of the air stream, based on transformation of kinetic energy of a running air stream to potential energy of pressure of braked air is considered.
Акимов А. П., Аквильянова И. Н., Федоров Д. И.
Предметом настоящей статьи является определение движущей силы
The subject of this article is the definition of the driving force produced by the reactions of soil cutting by a cutting edge of the elliptical blade of the rotary ripper for the basic tilth.
Константинов Ю.В
Закон движения физического маятника выражается через эллиптическую функцию Якоби,
The motion law of compound pendulum is expressed by means of Iacobi’s elliptic functions and its oscillation
Константинов Ю. В.
Силовые характеристики почвообрабатывающих дисковых ножей выражаются через нормальные эллиптические интегралы Лежандра. Используя близость кинематического параметра свободно вращающегося дискового ножа
The force characteristics of soil cutting disks are expressed by means of the elliptic integrals in Legendre’s normal form.
Никулин И. В.
Проблема снижения тягового сопротивления мобильных технологических машин рассмотрена
The problem of reduction of the draught resistance of mobile technological cars is considered on the example of potato-harvesters.
Серолапкин А. В.
Рассмотрены вопросы оптимизации движения транспортного средства по участку пути
Questions of optimization of the flow of traffic on a site of a way with changing characteristics of loading are considered. Tasks of driving of railway vehicles are posed and ways of soilution are viewed.
Пешкумов О. А.
Проведены исследования клинико-физиологического состояния
Researches of the clinico-physiological state and growth of the body of male pigs which have been bred with the appointment by «Permaita» and «Kaltsefita-5» in biogeochemical conditions of the Southeast of the Chuvash Republic are
Филиппов В. А.
В статье представлены сведения
The paper presents a short review of the structure, physical properties of amorphous metallic materials and methods of their preparation. It makes the physics of the phenomena unique and interesting. Solid and liquid phase growth, bulk crystallization are
Сайкин С. С., Салов П. М., Виноградова Т. Г.
Приведен расчет для определения величины перебега
Calculation for determination of the overrun on a near and far part of a processed detail is resulted at internal grinding.
Илларионов И. Е., Стрельников И. А., Петрова Н. В.
Рассмотрен новый запатентованный состав теплоизоляционной смеси и
The new patented structure of heat-insulated mixes and their application in foundry manufacture are considered.
Кислов А. И.
Для получения действующей информации
For reception of the operating information on the mechanism of erosion of alloys at its studying by means of a raster electronic microscope studied samples should be specially prepared.
Проведен анализ соответствия содержания курса химии
The analysis of conformity of the maintenance of a course of chemistry with competenz model of the bachelor in a direction of preparation «Building» on the basis of questioning of students of older years of a speciality «Industrial and civil building» is
Макаров С. Г.
Рассмотрены вопросы
The questions are considered and the analysis of the influence of the residual stress on resistance of elastic and plastic deformation by static, dynamic and cyclic stressings is
Макаров С. Г., Илларионов И. Е.
Рассмотрены вопросы разработки, производства, применения
Questions of working out, manufacture, application and the characteristic of the plated mixes made on the technologies of the European concern
Рябов В. И., Николаева В. Г.
Приведены конструкции резцов цепных режущих органов землерезных (баровых) машин.
Designs of cutters of chain cutting bodies of land cars are developed. Schemes of arrangement of cutters in land chains
Рябов В. И.
Изложены методика
Investigation methods and results of the ifluence of the diameter and the quantity of balls in a flexible bearing on the efficiency of strain wave gearing are presented.
Тогузов С. А.
Предлагается анализ возможных технических решений, обеспечивающий электромагнитный подвес вращающихся роторов,
The analysis of possible technical solutions, providing an electromagnetic suspension of rotating rotors, in particular of
Кудрявцев С. Г., Булдакова Ю. М.
Получены выражения для определения перемещений
Expressions for determining movements and tensions in the orthotropic stripes trough
Андреев В. И.
Проведен анализ работы винтовых механизмов
The analysis of of the operation of screw mechanisms with ideal and nonideal communications with application of Lagrange's principle of possible displacements is carried out.
Васильев А. Г., Агафонов А. В., Панихина А. В.
Проведены исследования по определению корреляции между значениями жизненного объема легких
Researches of determination of correlation between values of vital size of lungs and maximum pressure during expiration made by students are carried out; the portable device is developed for measurement of pressure created by respiratory muscles at an expiration and an inspiration.
Васильев А. Г., Васильева О. М.
Для ньютоновских жидкостей напряжение отрыва твердого тела
For Newtonian fluids the cleavage stress of a firm body from a fluid surface is offered to be characterised by adhesiveness, equal to the relation of cleavage force to the area of an interfaced surface. Adhesion of a
Васильев А. Г.
Выявлена зависимость коэффициента гидравлического трения λ
The dependence of the factor of hydraulic friction λ on the Reynolds' number, coarseness and contact angle of wetting is revealed. Making of the internal surface of a pipeline, susceptible to a liquid, considerably reduces pressure losses.
Лушин В. И.
Основным конструкционным материалом
The basic constructional material in buildings and constructions of the present and the foreseeable future is
Пилягин А. В.
В работе приводится методика определения напряжений
The method of tension determination in a base of foundations from the proper weight of soil for buildings with basement is given in this work.
Солин С. В.
Термин «прогрессирующее обрушение» относится
The term «a progressing collapse» concerns a situation when destruction or damage of any small part of a design conducts to a final fracture of all design full or nearly so.
Григорьев В. Г.
One of paradigms of development of a modern information technology is Cloud Computing, wich is a rather perspective direction with reference to development of distance education.
Замкова Т. В.
Разработка программного продукта – сложный процесс.
Software product creation is a difficult process.
Кирий А. В., Леванова Т. В.
Разработан, прошел апробацию
The software product, allowing to automatize holding of career guidance interviews according to the methods of Osnitskiy, has been developed, approved and has got the certificate of registration.
Пестриков В. Ф., Мишин В. А.
Современные подходы
Modern approaches in training of students assume a wide use of electronic resources.
Борисов М. А., Мишин В. А.
Владение вопросами автоматизации производственных процессов современными инженерами имеет важное значение.
Mastering of questions of automation of productions by modern engineers has a great value.
Ниссенбаум С. Н.
В статье представлена информация по изучению новой элементной базы датчиков
The article deals with the study of element’s facilities of transducer fields on fhe basis of nano- and biotechnologies, which can be used by students for preparing of assignments.
Щипцова А. В.
Для достижения целевых показателей
The special knowledge including not only the list of typical power saving up actions, but also methods of substantial increase of power efficiency are necessary for achievement of target indicators in the field of power savings and increase of power efficiency for the personnel of the enterprises, the organisations, administrations at the minimum expenses. Creation of the republican training centre of power efficiency will allow to carry out training at qualitatively
Яковлева Н. В., Васильева Т. Н.
Безопасность при проведении химических
Safety at realization of chemical experiments is a problem of many educational institutions.
Агафонов А. В.
Training in high school is connected with an essential change of
Волков О. Г.
Consumers in the capacity of experts have estimated the requirements upon the compulsory minimum of the basic educational program of the standard of professional education for training of a specialist in demand.
Губин В. А.
Перечислены основные задачи по подготовке специалистов высшего профессионального образования, рассмотрен механизм организации
The primary goals on preparation of experts of higher pofessional education are listed, the mechanism of the organisation is considered and the scheme of the educational structure of Engineering Education is
Гурьянова Т. Ю.
В статье рассматриваются вопросы формирования поликультурной компетентности
The essential points of formation of polycultural competence of university students are observed in the article.
Исаева И. Н.
Основной идеей разработанной мною методики обучения программированию
The basic idea of the technique of training developed by me to programming and algorithmization bases is a parallel studying of both structural, and
Комарова О. Ю.
В условиях стремительного развития средств вычислительной техники
In the conditions of prompt development of computer aids and information technologies the generated abilities within the limits of vocational training of the system of higher professional education on computer science lose quickly enough their urgency, therefore during learning of computer science it is necessary to motivate students on self-improvement and individual development.
Леонов Д. В.
Жизнь человека основана
Human life is based on motor activity which demands physical preparation. The basis of any physical preparation is gymnastic exercises. Gymnastic exercises, complexes and systems of physical preparation, which are in use now, appeared in the XIXth century.
Панченко Г. М.
One of the problems of physical training of students is maintenance of the general and professional-applied physical readiness defining psychophysical readiness of the student to the future trade.
Степанов А. Н.
В статье рассматривается возможность использования комплекса «Прометей»
In the article the possibility of use of the complex «Prometej» as a tool of the organisation of distance education of the discipline «Information technologies and means of distance education» for the speciality
Ташкова М. Н.
Функциональное состояние организма – важный критерий комплексной оценки здоровья.
The functional condition of an organism is an important criterion of a complex estimation of health.
Тимофеева Н. Н.
Первая Всероссийская интернет-олимпиада по математике для студентов нематематических специальностей
The first
Богомолов А. В. – ЧПИ МГОУ; Богомолова С. Н.— ЧГПУ
Рассмотрены вопросы педагогической
Questions of pedagogical and psychological diagnostics in the help of work of the teacher of any discipline for disclosing of abilities, propensities and features of the person of the student for the purpose of its more successful training and education are considered.
Александрова Е. А.
В статье рассматривается проблема формирования лингвокультурологической компетентности как необходимой составляющей специалиста.
In the article the problem of formation of lingvoculturological competence as a necessary component of an expert is considered.
Сергеева О. Ю.
Дисциплины социогуманитарного блока
Disciplines of the socio-humanitarian block in formation of bases of professional culture of a future engineer are considered.
Терентьева Г. Г.
В статье рассматриваются различные подходы
In the article various approaches to the treatment of the concepts «Native land», «patriotism», «patriotic education», «cosmopolitism» are considered. Opinions of scientists-teachers and philosophers, representing different periods of history of Russia, are analysed. Various approaches to patriotic education, proceeding from phenomenological essence of the specified concepts, are revealed and concretized.
Яковлева Г. Г. – ЧГУ
В статье рассматриваются интеррогативные конструкции как маркеры регулятивного действия,
The author of the article considers the interrogative constructions as markers of a regulative act and describes their functioning in dialogical discourse.
Яковлева Г. Г. – ЧГУ
В статье рассматриваются особенности рекламного дискурса. Подробно описываются языковые средства, используемые
The article analyses the peculiarities of publicity discourse.
Антонова Л. В.
В условиях интенсификации сотрудничества между российскими
The article considers the basic principles of one of the most effective arrangements organized by The
Ваганова Е. А.
Общественное государственное устройство представляет собой речевую организацию общества.
The state structure of the society represents the verbal organization of this society.
Васильева И. С.
Перевод научно-технической литературы представляет собой особый вид перевода, который требует
Translation of scientific and technical literature is a special kind of translation, which requires certain skills of an interpreter.
Ефимова А. Л.
Дистанционное обучение через Интернет значительно расширяет образовательные возможности. Преимущества дистанционной формы обучения заключается
Distant training through the Internet considerably expands educational opportunities. Advantages of the distant form of training is that for today the given form of training is a real opportunity to raise the qualification at any time convenient for you and in the rate set by you.
Левина О. Н.
In the article the communicative language teaching of English (the communicative approach) is viewed, which is characterized as a broad approach to teaching with a clearly defined set of classroom activities (role play, interviews, information gap, games, pair work etc.).The author investigates and summarizes the main concepts and advantages of this approach.
Маслова С. П.
В данной статье представлена классификация реалий по различным признакам, основные способы
This article presents a classification of the realities on various grounds, the basic methods of their translation and a detailed consideration of these methods.
Статья посвящена описанию зоонимов как одному
This article is devoted to the description of zoonyms as one of the means of address in Russian, German and Chuvash.
Яковлева О. В.
В статье рассматривается вопрос планирования
The article deals with the problem of forming ethnocultural tolerance among technical students while studying a foreign language. The principles, methods, forms and means of teaching and building of ethnocultural tolerance are verified.
Скворцов Е. Н. – Чебоксарский филиал Нижегородской академии МВД России
Статья посвящена анализу некоторых проблемных аспектов, имеющихся
The article is devoted to the analysis of some problem aspects which are available in the sphere of legal regulation of occupier's liability of a source of increased danger. Directions of optimisation of legal regulation of the status of the owner of a source of increased danger and the
Краснова И. Е. – Управление Россельхознадзора по Чувашской Республике; Иванов М. Г. – ЧПИ МГОУ
Отдельные вопросы квалификации земельных правонарушений
В последние годы отмечается заметное ухудшение состояния земель
Last years appreciable deterioration of the condition of the earths of Russia, growth of their pollution are marked.
Иванова О. М. – Следственное управление при УВД по г. Чебоксары
Достижение целей адвокатской деятельности – деятельности компетентных юристов возможно при условии: она должна быть регламентирована законом
The achievement of purposes of advocacy, the activity of competent counsels, is possible under the condition that it should be regulated by the law and penetrate all aspects of criminal legal proceedings, including the activity on rendering of the qualified legal aid to persons who, on the strenght of the law or under circumstances, which do not dependent on them, are not participants of the process.
Иванова О. М. – Следственное управление при УВД по г. Чебоксары; Свеклова Т. М. – Управление Судебного департамента в ЧР
Коррупция известна давно
Corruption is known for a long time and is perceived as objectivity in many countries of the world. However as a social phenomenon it is realised during only last
Зарубкина О. В.
Политика, являясь неотъемлемой сферой человеческой деятельности, тем или иным образом затрагивает интересы всех людей. Сегодня практически все взрослые дееспособные граждане Российской Федерации через различные механизмы (выборы, референдум, массовые акции
Policy, being the integral sphere of human activity, in one way or another, deals with interests of all people. Today practically all adult capable citizens of the Russian Federation through various mechanisms (elections, a referendum, mass actions, etc.) have a possibility to participate in formation of authorities, realisation of region management, distribution of material and cultural wealth.
Иванов М. Г.
В судебной
In judicial and investigative practice there are quite often difficulties by solving of various questions, connected with bringing to criminal liability.
Лушников Ю. Н.
Скворцов Н. А. – ЧПИ МГОУ; Скворцова Н. Н. – Чебоксарский филиал Нижегородской академии МВД России
В статье рассматриваются специальные приемы
In the article special methods and techniques of economic and forensic analysis as a means, necessary for decoding of
Тимофеев Ю. А.
Анализ практики деятельности системы МВД свидетельствует
The analysis of practice of activity of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs testifies that now it does not carry out tasks and fuctions incumbent on it, does not meet modern requirements, and therefore requires perfection.
Филиппова В. П.
Статья посвящена выяснению факторов риска возникновения девиантного поведения
The article is devoted to
Нуйкина Т. П.
Иностранные инвестиции рассмотрены
Foreign investments are considered in the conditions of transformation of economy of the Chuvash Republic.
Павлова С. И.
Система обеспечения региона продовольствием рассмотрена через систему показателей естественной
The system of provision of the region with food is considered through the system of indicators of natural and market intensity of grocery balances.
Семенова Е. И.
Рассмотрены вопросы качества товаров
Questions of quality of goods and services, and also merits and demerits of transition of the system of obligatory certification to declaring of safety and quality of production are considered.